What happens when you change the AD name of a McAfee-encrypted computer?

Introduction Now that I am working full-time as an IT specialist, it allows me to deal more with the issues one may not often have to deal with in regular home- and small business settings. This is one such issue. Lately I have been tasked with changing the names of incorrectly named computers in the … Continue reading What happens when you change the AD name of a McAfee-encrypted computer?

Issues with Cisco Security Agent / Botched Uninstall

Hello, long time no see. Figured I’d drop by and say hello. No, I’m not dead yet; it’s just that I have been busy with work. I’m now working on the IT security side of things, although on the low part of the totem pole. I’ll get up to the good part eventually. But I … Continue reading Issues with Cisco Security Agent / Botched Uninstall